Sunday, October 17, 2021

Kite Runner Socratic Seminar Questions And Answers

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[FREE] Kite Runner Socratic Seminar Questions And Answers

Discuss their friendship. Why is Amir afraid to be Hassan's true friend? Why does Amir constantly test Hassan's loyalty? Why does he resent Hassan? After the kite running tournament, why does Amir no longer want to be Hassan's friend? Early in Amir...

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After Amir wins the kite running tournament, his relationship with Baba undergoes significant change. However, while they form a bond of friendship, Amir is still unhappy. What causes this unhappiness and how has Baba contributed to Amir's state of...

Contemplation Questions for Chapters 1-10 of "The Kite Runner"

Why is Baba disappointed by Amir's decision to become a writer? During their argument about his career path, Amir thinks to himself: "I would stand my ground, I decided. I didn't want to sacrifice for Baba anymore. The last time I had done that, I had damned myself. How has Amir "damned himself"? Compare and contrast the relationships of Soraya and Amir and their fathers. How have their upbringings contributed to these relationships?

kite runner

Discuss how the ever-changing politics of Afghanistan affect each of the characters in the novel. On Amir's trip back to Afghanistan, he stays at the home of his driver, Farid. Upon leaving he remarks: "Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was looking, I did something I had done twenty-six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under the mattress. Throughout the story, Baba worries because Amir never stands up for himself. When does this change? Amir's confrontation with Assef in Wazir Akar Khan marks an important turning point in the novel. Why does the author have Amir, Assef, and Sohrab all come together in this way?

"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini Discussion Questions

What is this the significance of the scar that Amir develops as a result of the confrontation? Why is it important in Amir's journey toward forgiveness and acceptance? While in the hospital in Peshawar, Amir has a dream in which he sees his father wrestling a bear: "They role over a patch of grass, man and beast He looks up at me, and I see.

The Kite Runner Bellringer #1 10/17/13

He's me. I am wrestling the bear. What does this dream finally help Amir realize? Amir and Hassan have a favorite story. Does the story have the same meaning for both men? Why does Hassan name his son after one of the characters in the story? Baba and Amir know that they are very different people. Often it disappoints both of them that Amir is not the son that Baba has hoped for. When Amir finds out that Baba has lied to him about Hassan, he realizes that "as it turned out, Baba and I were more alike than I'd never known. How is this both a negative and positive realization? When Amir and Baba move to the States their relationship changes, and Amir begins to view his father as a more complex man. Discuss the changes in their relationship. Do you see the changes in Baba as tragic or positive? Discuss the difference between Baba and Ali and between Amir and Hassan. Are Baba's and Amir's betrayals and similarities in their relationships of their servants if you consider Baba's act a betrayal similar or different?

Contemplation Questions for "The Kite Runner" Chapters 19-25

Page 4 of 4 Discussion Questions 1. The novel begins with Amir's memory of peering down an alley, looking for Hassan who is kite running for him. As Amir peers into the alley, he witnesses a tragedy. The novel ends with Amir kite running for Hassan's son, Sohrab, as he begins a new life with Amir in America. Why do you think the author chooses to frame the novel with these scenes? Refer to the following passage: "Afghans like to say: Life goes on, unmindful of beginning, end The strong underlying force of this novel is the relationship between Amir and Hassan.

Answers to questions on Chapter 21

Discuss their friendship. Why is Amir afraid to be Hassan's true friend? Why does Amir constantly test Hassan's loyalty? Why does he resent Hassan? After the kite running tournament, why does Amir no longer want to be Hassan's friend? Early in Amir and Hassan's friendship, they often visit a pomegranate tree where they spend hours reading and playing. We begin to understand early in the novel that Amir is constantly vying for Baba's attention and often feels like an outsider in his father's life, as seen in the following passage: "He'd close the door, leave me to wonder why it was always grown-ups time with him.

The Kite Runner Essay Questions

I'd sit by the door, knees drawn to my chest. Sometimes I sat there for an hour, sometimes two, listening to their laughter, their chatter. After Amir wins the kite running tournament, his relationship with Baba undergoes significant change. However, while they form a bond of friendship, Amir is still unhappy. What causes this unhappiness and how has Baba contributed to Amir's state of mind? Eventually, the relationship between the two returns to the way it was before the tournament, and Amir laments "we actually deceived ourselves into thinking that a toy made of tissue paper, glue, and bamboo could somehow close the chasm between us. As Amir remembers an Afghan celebration in which a sheep must be sacrificed, he talks about seeing the sheep's eyes moments before its death.

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But I always watch, I watch because of that look of acceptance in the animal's eyes. Absurdly, I imagine the animal understands. I imagine the animal sees that its imminent demise is for a higher purpose. Amir recollects the memory again toward the end of the novel when he sees Sohrab in the home of the Taliban. Discuss the image in the context of the novel. America acts as a place for Amir to bury his memories and a place for Baba to mourn his. What is the function of irony in this novel? What is the significance of the irony in the first story that Amir writes? After hearing Amir's story, Hassan asks, "Why did the man kill his wife? In fact, why did he ever have to feel sad to shed tears? Couldn't he have just smelled an onion? How does this story epitomize the difference in character between Hassan and Amir? Why is Baba disappointed by Amir's decision to become a writer?

The Kite Runner-Socratic Motivation

During their argument about his career path, Amir thinks to himself: "I would stand my ground, I decided. I didn't want to sacrifice for Baba anymore. The last time I had done that, I had damned myself. How has Amir "damned himself"? Compare and contrast the relationships of Soraya and Amir and their fathers. How have their upbringings contributed to these relationships? Discuss how the ever-changing politics of Afghanistan affect each of the characters in the novel.

Relationship Between Baba And Amir In The Kite Runner

On Amir's trip back to Afghanistan, he stays at the home of his driver, Farid. Upon leaving he remarks: "Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was looking, I did something I had done twenty-six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under the mattress. Throughout the story, Baba worries because Amir never stands up for himself. When does this change? Amir's confrontation with Assef in Wazir Akar Khan marks an important turning point in the novel. Why does the author have Amir, Assef, and Sohrab all come together in this way? What is this the significance of the scar that Amir develops as a result of the confrontation? Why is it important in Amir's journey toward forgiveness and acceptance? While in the hospital in Peshawar, Amir has a dream in which he sees his father wrestling a bear: "They role over a patch of grass, man and beast He looks up at me, and I see. He's me. I am wrestling the bear.

The Kite Runner Socratic Seminar Questions

What does this dream finally help Amir realize? Amir and Hassan have a favorite story. Does the story have the same meaning for both men? Why does Hassan name his son after one of the characters in the story? Baba and Amir know that they are very different people. Often it disappoints both of them that Amir is not the son that Baba has hoped for. When Amir finds out that Baba has lied to him about Hassan, he realizes that "as it turned out, Baba and I were more alike than I'd never known. How is this both a negative and positive realization? When Amir and Baba move to the States their relationship changes, and Amir begins to view his father as a more complex man. Discuss the changes in their relationship. Do you see the changes in Baba as tragic or positive? Discuss the difference between Baba and Ali and between Amir and Hassan. Are Baba's and Amir's betrayals and similarities in their relationships of their servants if you consider Baba's act a betrayal similar or different?

The Kite Runner Questions and Answers

This novel is divided into three parts. The Kite Runner follows Amir, the main character, finding redemption from a series of traumatic childhood events. Throughout the novel, the author uses many powerful symbols to represent the complexity of love that many experience in relationships. The use of the kite, the pomegranate tree, the slingshot, and the cleft lip all tie together to underscore a universal theme of love. One particular theme that is present throughout both of these written pieces is love.

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Defined by the Oxford Dictionary, love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. Often, parents fail to notice the negative effects that a poor parental relationship can have on a child. Neglect appears when parents are not meeting the physical and emotional needs of their offspring, which puts the child at risk of not receiving a full understanding of the right moral compass.

Contemplation Questions for Chapters of "The Kite Runner" - BrightHub Education

He was born in Kabul, Afghanistan on May 4, He wrote two other noteworthy novels one being world renowned like The Kite Runner. He writes his novels to enlighten readers about Afghanistan, his home, not simply defining it as war and terrorist but an actual place in the past filled with people and life. The Kite Runner is a Modernism novel. Facts about the author Khaled Hossein was born in March 4, , in Kabul, which is the capital of Afghanistan. He is best known as Afghan-American novelist. You should consider different reader responses and the extent to which your critical approach assists your interpretation. In can be seen that symbols are used in the novel to highlight particular moments in key relationships.


For example Kites, the Pomegranate Alienation Amidst Dissimilarity: The Kite Runner Words 5 Pages novel The Kite Runner, the protagonist, Amir, lives through an alienation that causes him to search for alternative routes in order to feel accepted. Amir struggles to stand up for himself which concerns his father, Baba, about his future well-being as an adult. Do both Amir and Baba feel guilt and shame through their actions? In the novel, by Khaled Hosseini, the reader learns that both Amir and Baba have betrayed the people closest to them: Amir betrayed Hassan and Baba betrayed Ali. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini describes kite fights between local Afghani kids, regardless of their social status.

Answers to questions on Chapter 21 | The Kite Runner Reloaded

The main characters in this story that come from a higher socioeconomic level are Baba, a lawyer from the Pashtun tribe, and his son Amir. The main characters in this story that come from the lower socioeconomic level are Ali, a servant from.

Discussion Questions - PLG_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_PAGE_NUM - LitLovers

The title of the novel — The Kite Runner — suggests Hassan is the main subject of the story. Does the title lead us astray? Is this book really about Hassan? What role does Amir's mother play in the novel? Is she just as important to Amir as Baba? How do the dead continue to affect the living in this novel? There are quite a few instances of deformity or scarring in the novel. To name a few: Ali's limp, Hassan's harelip, Amir's scar, Assef's crushed eye, and Soraya's birthmark. Why do you think Hosseini included so many deformities and scars in the novel? Can you think of any metaphorical deformities? Metaphorical scars? Through the character of Baba, masculinity looms large in Amir's home life. How does masculinity — of what it means to be an Afghan man — figure into the novel's ideas of nationhood and international conflict?

The Kite Runner Essay Questions | GradeSaver

The novel begins with Amir's memory of peering down an alley, looking for Hassan who is kite running for him. As Amir peers into the alley, he witnesses a tragedy. The novel ends with Amir kite running for Hassan's son, Sohrab, as he begins a new life with Amir in America. Why do you think the author chooses to frame the novel with these scenes?

Kite Runner Socratic Seminar Questions And Answers

Refer to the following passage: "Afghans like to say: Life goes on, unmindful of beginning, end The strong underlying force of this novel is the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Discuss their friendship. Why is Amir afraid to be Hassan's true friend? Why does Amir constantly test Hassan's loyalty? Why does he resent Hassan? After the kite running tournament, why does Amir no longer want to be Hassan's friend? Early in Amir and Hassan's friendship, they often visit a pomegranate tree where they spend hours reading and playing. We begin to understand early in the novel that Amir is constantly vying for Baba's attention and often feels like an outsider in his father's life, as seen in the following passage: "He'd close the door, leave me to wonder why it was always grown-ups time with him. I'd sit by the door, knees drawn to my chest. Sometimes I sat there for an hour, sometimes two, listening to their laughter, their chatter. After Amir wins the kite running tournament, his relationship with Baba undergoes significant change.

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However, while they form a bond of friendship, Amir is still unhappy. What causes this unhappiness and how has Baba contributed to Amir's state of mind? Eventually, the relationship between the two returns to the way it was before the tournament, and Amir laments "we actually deceived ourselves into thinking that a toy made of tissue paper, glue, and bamboo could somehow close the chasm between us. As Amir remembers an Afghan celebration in which a sheep must be sacrificed, he talks about seeing the sheep's eyes moments before its death. But I always watch, I watch because of that look of acceptance in the animal's eyes. Absurdly, I imagine the animal understands. I imagine the animal sees that its imminent demise is for a higher purpose.

Ongoing Conversations

Amir recollects the memory again toward the end of the novel when he sees Sohrab in the home of the Taliban. Discuss the image in the context of the novel. America acts as a place for Amir to bury his memories and a place for Baba to mourn his. What is the function of irony in this novel? What is the significance of the irony in the first story that Amir writes? After hearing Amir's story, Hassan asks, "Why did the man kill his wife? In fact, why did he ever have to feel sad to shed tears? Couldn't he have just smelled an onion? How does this story epitomize the difference in character between Hassan and Amir? Why is Baba disappointed by Amir's decision to become a writer?

iRockEnglish: Socratic Seminar - The Kite Runner

During their argument about his career path, Amir thinks to himself: "I would stand my ground, I decided. I didn't want to sacrifice for Baba anymore. The last time I had done that, I had damned myself. How has Amir "damned himself"? Compare and contrast the relationships of Soraya and Amir and their fathers. How have their upbringings contributed to these relationships? Discuss how the ever-changing politics of Afghanistan affect each of the characters in the novel. On Amir's trip back to Afghanistan, he stays at the home of his driver, Farid.

Discussion Questions - The Kite Runner- Lucca, Conwell, Daley

Upon leaving he remarks: "Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was looking, I did something I had done twenty-six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under the mattress. Throughout the story, Baba worries because Amir never stands up for himself. When does this change? Amir's confrontation with Assef in Wazir Akar Khan marks an important turning point in the novel. Why does the author have Amir, Assef, and Sohrab all come together in this way? What is this the significance of the scar that Amir develops as a result of the confrontation? Why is it important in Amir's journey toward forgiveness and acceptance? While in the hospital in Peshawar, Amir has a dream in which he sees his father wrestling a bear: "They role over a patch of grass, man and beast He looks up at me, and I see. He's me. I am wrestling the bear. What does this dream finally help Amir realize? Amir and Hassan have a favorite story. Does the story have the same meaning for both men?

The Kite Runner Socratic Seminar - Google Документи

Why does Hassan name his son after one of the characters in the story? Baba and Amir know that they are very different people. Often it disappoints both of them that Amir is not the son that Baba has hoped for. When Amir finds out that Baba has lied to him about Hassan, he realizes that "as it turned out, Baba and I were more alike than I'd never known. How is this both a negative and positive realization? When Amir and Baba move to the States their relationship changes, and Amir begins to view his father as a more complex man. Discuss the changes in their relationship. Do you see the changes in Baba as tragic or positive? Discuss the difference between Baba and Ali and between Amir and Hassan. Are Baba's and Amir's betrayals and similarities in their relationships of their servants if you consider Baba's act a betrayal similar or different?

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