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To Kill A Mockingbird Questions And Answers

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What can be said about his character? Do you agree with her views? Find three examples to share and explain. Set 2: To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Questions Chapters 1 Lee tries to recreate the ways that young kids interact with one another. Does...

[FREE] To Kill A Mockingbird Questions And Answers | HOT!

Use examples from the fire in your answer. What is the importance of this detail? His extended family is against it. What does this approach tell you about his style of parenting? What are his strengths and shortcomings? Do you agree with their...

To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Questions

Farrow upset with the African Americans residents of Maycomb after the Robingson trial? Does this make sense? See Chapter Hint: Think about point of view. What is the point of this imagining? How does Lee create this mood?

To kill a mockingbird essay questions and answers

Answer: The book was released in , when Eisenhower was nearing the end of his second term in office. Answer: Her nickname was apt, reflecting her tomboyishness and inquisitive nature. Question: Where is the novel set? Question: Truman Capote was reportedly the inspiration for what character? Answer: Lee and Truman were childhood friends, and she assisted him on In Cold Blood , arguably his best-known work. Question: What was Tom Robinson charged with? Answer: He was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Although it became clear that the charges were false, he was found guilty. While in jail, he tried to escape and was shot and killed by guards. Answer: His full name is Jeremy Atticus Finch. Question: The acclaimed film adaptation of the book won how many Academy Awards? Answer: The film won Oscars for actor Gregory Peck , adapted screenplay Horton Foote , and art direction-set direction black and white.

to kill a mockingbird chapter 11 questions

Question: The film was nominated for best picture but lost to what movie? Answer: The celebrated epic was based on the life of T. Inspire your inbox — Sign up for daily fun facts about this day in history, updates, and special offers. Enter your email Subscribe By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Click here to view our Privacy Notice. Easy unsubscribe links are provided in every email. Thank you for subscribing! Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Stay Connected.

To Kill A Mockingbird Questions and Answers (Q&A)

When one of the town's black residents is falsely accused of a crime against a white woman, Scout's father, Atticus Finch, agrees to defend the young man. Meanwhile, Scout and her brother take part in their own smaller drama surrounding the town's recluse, Arthur "Boo" Radley. It's believed that Harper Lee was inspired by her own life growing up in Monroeville, Alabama. The plot of To Kill a Mockingbird is reportedly based on a trial where Lee's father—a lawyer like Atticus Finch—served as a defense counsel for two African American men accused of murdering a white storekeeper. How did people respond to To Kill a Mockingbird? When it was published in , initial critical responses to To Kill a Mockingbird were mixed, but its popularity grew. The book sold over , copies in its first year of publication. Lee received the Pulitzer Prize in fiction, and the book was adapted into a film, which won three Academy Awards.

To Kill a Mockingbird Unit Test (PDF)

Today the book remains popular and is part of many high-school English curricula. Why is To Kill a Mockingbird a significant text? To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best-known and most widely read books in the United States. It's been translated into 40 languages, has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, and is a staple on U. Inspire your inbox — Sign up for daily fun facts about this day in history, updates, and special offers. Enter your email Subscribe By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Click here to view our Privacy Notice. Easy unsubscribe links are provided in every email.

To Kill a Mockingbird Trivia Questions & Answers : Movies Q-T

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To kill a mockingbird analysis questions quizlet

Print this assessment as-is or use the To Kill a Mockingbird Test Maker for a wider selections of customizable test items. Option 1: If the sample To Kill a Mockingbird test meets your needs, you can print it by opening the resource preview. Option 2: To cut and paste the sample test items from this page, scroll to the bottom of this post. The file makes it easy to remove, modify, and add questions in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Recall and Comprehension 70 To Kill a Mockingbird multiple choice questions Literary Knowledge and Analysis 53 To Kill a Mockingbird multiple choice questions Short Answer 28 prompts Extended Response 17 prompts Section 1: Recall and Comprehension questions multiple-choice I start with the easiest multiple-choice questions first. Note: In the interest of test security, the resource sample does not include an answer key.

To Kill a Mockingbird Questions and Answers

An answer key is provided in the complete resource. Section 2: Literary Knowledge and Analysis questions multiple-choice Different teachers will emphasize different standards in their respective units. Here are some questions that I would include in the final exam. I certainly want questions on symbol, point of view, historical context, structure, and word choice. Section 3: Writing Prompts short response I selected 6 of the 28 To Kill a Mockingbird short response prompts for this example. I selected one short answer prompt for each of the following: theme, point of view, symbolism, structure, historical context, and word choice analysis. Probably not. After all, even an individual teacher does not teach the same way every year. Make your perfect To Kill a Mockingbird unit test in minutes instead of hours by choosing from all the To Kill A Mockingbird questions and answers. Just delete the questions that you do not want, and you are done.

To kill a mockingbird chapter 19 21 quizlet

Questions to answer while reading To Kill a Mockingbird For the following questions, please answer in complete sentences when the answer requires more than a name or word for an answer. Who is telling the story? Jean Louise Scout Finch 2. What happened when Arthur Radley was a teen? What game did Jem,! Jem, Scout, and -ill en. Who was oo Radley? Why did! Why was 'om arrested? When the men! With whom did Jem,! Who atta! In what! Where did the! Where did the Ewells li-e? What so! Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird? What year or during what period in Ameri! Would you agree? Why or why not?

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Back to top Boo Radley Overview background what people say the first part of the novel the final chapters Boo as an outsider Overview Arthur Radley does not appear to Scout directly until the final chapters of the novel, but his presence is felt throughout the narrative. He is a silent witness of the children's actions. He is always vigilant and he sees the danger Atticus has overlooked when he saves the lives of Scout and Jem.

To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Questions & Answers

In the first chapter of the novel Scout considers the different starting points in a chain of events which form the plot of the novel. Jem maintains that "it began What began then we do not fully learn until the end of the novel, though we will soon learn more about Boo - much of it misleading or inaccurate. At the end of the novel Scout summarizes the events Arthur has witnessed and in which he has sometimes taken part , leading up to his emerging from confinement when the children's lives are in danger. At the start of the novel the brief reference to Boo arouses the reader's interest. Scout learns more from a variety of sources. Most of this information comes from Jem, who has heard it, in turn, from Miss Stephanie Crawford - and she is known to exaggerate or invent things.

to kill a mockingbird comprehension questions and answers

Back to top Boo's background It seems that Arthur was not very successful at school though he may have won a spelling medal. In his teens he joined with some of the Cunninghams in joyriding around Maycomb's square and locking an elderly official Mr. Conner in the court outhouse. While the other boys went to a state industrial school, Arthur was shut up at home by his parents.

'To Kill a Mockingbird' Book Club Discussion Questions

Fifteen years later Arthur, now aged thirty-three, attacked his father with a pair of scissors. His father "the meanest man ever God blew breath into", according to Calpurnia opposed sending him to a psychiatric hospital, and eventually took him home. When his father died, Arthur became the ward of his brother, Nathan Radley. Though less severe than his father, he still kept Arthur more or less imprisoned in the family home. By the time of the events in the novel it is no longer clear how far Arthur is forced to stay in, and how far this is his own wish.

Know about Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird

Back to top What some people say about Arthur To form your own idea of what Arthur is like you might consider what other people say about him, and decide how reliable their opinions are: Jem says he is "six and a half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch There was a long She also explains that Arthur's family hold very severe religious beliefs, which have affected the way they treat Boo. Back to top Boo in the first part of the novel Scout tells the reader a lot about Boo in the early part of the novel, but he disappears from the narrative for most of the middle and later chapters, which are concerned with the story of the trial and its sequel.

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Questions And Answers

Early in the story, the children try to persuade Boo to come out, but it seems that they miss the occasions when he does do this. Consider these clues: The children receive a series of mysterious presents which are left in the knot-hole of an oak tree by the Radley's house: two pieces of chewing gum, two Indian-head coins, two figures carved out of soap, a packet of gum, a spelling medal and a broken pocket watch.

39 Best To Kill A Mockingbird Questions and Answers (Q&A) - ProProfs Discuss | Page 1

Are these random gifts, or do they tell you anything about the giver? When Jem snags his trousers on the fence wire, he leaves them. When he goes to retrieve them, he sees that they have been mended, inexpertly. What do you suppose is the explanation? When Miss Maudie's house is burned, someone places a blanket over Scout's shoulders. Atticus sees this but does not tell Scout when it happens. Comment on what you think is the explanation. Although Jem does not see Arthur on any of these occasions, he begins to understand what is happening. When Nathan Radley stops up the knot-hole, it is a fairly clear sign that he knows what Arthur has been doing and wants to stop it. And when Scout thinks she hears laughter from inside the Radley house, she finds this sinister - but the reader comes to see that this is the innocent laughter of Boo Radley, who is amused by the children at play. Back to top Boo in the final chapters of the novel Arthur's saving of the children's lives is presented in an unusual way.

[GET] To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 5-6 Questions And Answers

Scout sees nothing and Jem remembers nothing. She also does not recognize the stranger in her house until Atticus makes this clear to her. Arthur has taken a kitchen knife - the only weapon he can find, evidently - and stabbed Bob Ewell, as he attacks the children. Heck Tate works out what has happened, and conceals Bob Ewell's flick-knife, in order to maintain that the kitchen knife was Ewell's weapon, on which he fell. This means that Arthur will not have to face an inquest, or any further public exposure. Although Arthur is shy, he forgets about himself while he attends to Jem's injury and takes him home.

To Kill A Mockingbird, Chapters 1-5 Questions

He does nothing to conceal what he has done to Bob Ewell. We see this shyness as he stands out of the light, as he hesitates before stroking Jem's hair, and as he speaks, in a whisper, only to ask Scout to see him home. Back to top Boo as an outsider Harper Lee explores a familiar theme in her depiction of Boo Radley - that of the misfit or outsider who is misunderstood. We see this in Beauty and the Beast with a happy ending or the Hunchback of Notre Dame with a tragic ending. This portrayal is notable for the way in which the author presents Arthur Radley sensitively and with dignity. And finally, it is only when she literally stands in a new position, on the Radley porch, that Scout understands Atticus's earlier remark Chapter 3 about the need to put yourself in another person's place " Back to top The mockingbird theme The title of the novel alerts us to the importance of this theme.

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 20 | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

The children first hear this from Atticus, when he gives them air rifles as Christmas presents Chapter He tells them they should shoot only at tin-cans but, seeing that they may well shoot birds, allows them to shoot the very common bluejay regarded in the USA rather as pigeons are in the UK but not mockingbirds. Modern readers, especially in the UK, where many bird species are protected by law should note that hunting birds is considered acceptable sport in most parts of Europe and the USA even today.

To Kill a Mockingbird Questions and Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver

In the s most children would have seen it as normal to hunt animals and birds. Scout is puzzled by this remark and asks Miss Maudie Atkinson about it. They don't eat up people's gardens, they don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. Perhaps hunters with a sense of sport would avoid the bird, as being too easy a target. The wrongness of killing the bird is evident, but it becomes a metaphor for the wrongness of harming innocent and vulnerable people.

To Kill a Mockingbird

In the novel, while we associate the mockingbird generally with weak and defenceless people, there are two characters who are more explicitly likened to the bird. These are Tom Robinson and Arthur Radley. Why are these two like the mockingbird? Tom is physically disabled, but his real weakness is his social position - he is a black man, to whom a white woman has made sexual advances, so he must be destroyed. Arthur is psychologically disadvantaged - he is very timid and almost incapable of being integrated into Maycomb's society.

To Kill A Mockingbird Discussion Questions And Answers

Back to top The author makes the comparison clearer in Chapter Here, B. He likened Tom's death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and chidren Underwood was writing so children could understand. She is a child and she understands. Many of the novel's readers will also be children. You should be aware, though, that it was written for adult readers. Harper Lee could not have foreseen that the novel would become a set text for pupils in so many schools. Back to top As the children set off for the pageant Chapter 28 , Jem hears a mockingbird and jokes that Boo must not be at home. Not only is Boo out of doors or just about to leave but his doing so is what delivers the children from real and very human danger, not the gothic fantasies of Halloween.

Tkam Chapter Questions And Answers Quizlet

It's a sin and I'm not about to have it on my head Harper Lee's technique Viewpoint The story is told from Scout's viewpoint. It is written in the first person. This means that Scout uses the pronouns I, me and the possessives my, mine to refer to herself. She does not confine the narrative to things that she has directly experienced - for example she recounts stories from the history of Simon Finch, and repeats what other people tell her.

to kill a mockingbird ap questions and answers

As the narrator she makes comments about how reliable other people's accounts are - so we allow for any distortion or exaggeration, as appropriate Miss Stephanie, for example, is likely to exaggerate. The events of the novel take place over several years, and Scout indicates the changes that she and Jem experience in this time. One example is that she begins as a tomboy but later in the novel accepts the need to behave in a more conventionally feminine role. She also learns, mostly from Miss Maudie, that this does not mean she has to give up her independence - that she can compromise in unimportant matters without betraying what she really values. Back to top We do, however, see other viewpoints as people speak, so it is possible for the reader to compare them.

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